I have one of thee most dopest photographers on this earth. Daniel Hughes is Phenomenal!! For those that don't know I'm a Fashion Blogger who creates fashion content as well as content to do with maintaining yourself over 50 while empowering women to be their dopest selves and feeling good about it. In order to do so I must have a team that sees my vision. Exactly why I love working with Mr. Daniel Hughes(DeeHughesPhotography). My goal is to inspire and motivate women when they are feeling their lowest and don't feel beautiful. I'm a woman who truly understands that everyday isn't a good day. But as long as I'm continuing to wake up I wanna look and feel my best. I wanna put on clothing that others are too afraid to wear. I want to inspire other woman that they can too. I don't need to be younger, just better and if I can encourage just 1 woman then I've done my job.😊